Gift Cards

What is a Gift Card?

  • A Gift Card is a type of gift certificate in the form of a card. It can be encoded with a certain value or the value can be written on it.
  • Gift cards are issued either on the Site Manager or on the LS One POS. When creating gift cards on the POS, a request is sent to LS One Site Manager through the LS Site Service. The gift card is created in the Site Manager and the information is sent back to the POS. Once it has received the information, it can continue with the sale, such as payment, printing a certificate and so on.

Issuing a gift card

  • Gift cards are sold and paid for in the POS as with any other item. When gift cards are sold, they are sold with a special operation Issue Gift Card and then paid for with a valid payment type. Gift Card operations register information about the gift card in the Site Manager.
  • When creating gift cards on the POS, a request is sent to the Site Manager through the Site Service. The gift card is created in the Site Manager and the information is sent back to the POS. Once it has received the information, it can continue with the sale.


  • The Site Service must be active to use gift cards.
  • Gift cards are issued either on the Site Manager or on the POS. To control this, go to the Site Service settings in the Profiles plugin in the Site Manager. Select one of the following options:
  • ID: Gift cards must be created on the Site Manager and issued on the POS
  • Amount: Gift cards can be issued on the POS directly, the Gift Card ID is automatically created, usually as the next in the sequence.
  • ID and amount: This option allows you to create your own ID and amount, or use an existing gift card on the Site Manager.
  • You can also set a maximum amount and make the default gift card refillable or not.

The gift card processes

  1. The Site Service profile has to be created and configured for function Use gift cards.
  2. The Site Manager’s operation Gift cards is used to search, view and work with the Gift cards. For the Gift Card option ID, the gift cards are issued with this operation before they can be sold in the LS POS.
  3. Barcodemask can be configured for gift card and used for gift card payments.
  4. In the LS POS, gift cards are sold by using the operation Issue Gift Certificate. This operation behaves differently depending on the Gift card option in use.
  5. The Setup and configuration for the payment operation Pay Giftcard.
  6. Operation Pay Giftcard is used to pay for a POS sale with the gift card.